Seventh Biennial Conference
13-17 July 2020, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Chair of Organizing Committee: Miriam Peixoto
C A N C E L L E D!
I regret to say that there have been only a few positive replies to our proposal to present papers accepted for IAPS7 in online sessions.
Some people expressed their fatigue with videoconferencing meetings after 18 months of working remotely. In any case, the adhesion was very small.
As a result we have decided not to go ahead with this initiative and to wait until next summer to hold IAPS in-person.
The location of the next in-person conference will be defined soon.
I thank all those who submitted their work to the IAPS7 meeting that would have been organized in Brazil.
I sincerely hope to be able to receive you in another opportunity in Belo Horizonte.
Best wishes,
Miriam Peixoto
The International Association for Presocratic Studies (IAPS, founded in 2008) announces its Seventh Biennial Conference. The meeting will take place at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, at Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil, 13-17 July 2020.
IAPS understands “Presocratics” to be the figures for whom either fragments of their work or relevant testimonia are collected in Hermann Diels’ Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (6th edn. 1951, edited by Walther Kranz). IAPS welcomes presentations on philosophical, philological, textual, doxographical, scientific, historical, literary and religious topics having to do with the Presocratics, on connections between Presocratic thought and other figures (e.g., the Sophists) and other areas of intellectual activity (e.g., mathematics, medicine or music), and on the reception of Presocratic thought in antiquity and later times.
IAPS welcomes participation from scholars at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to senior figures in the field.

For every question or to receive further information about the conference, please send a message with the title “IAPS 7” to Prof. Miriam Peixoto.